Queen Victoria joined the Cunard fleet in 2007, and proudly exemplifies Cunard Line's heritage and traditions. The ship simply exudes elegance, with luxurious marbles, woods, plush carpets, rich fabrics and soft furnishings everywhere you look.
Queen Victoria has a passenger capacity of 1,980, and checks in at a gross tonnage of 90,000, which in this day & age of bigger cruise ships puts her closer to the midsize range of cruise ships out there today.
Our host turned us loose to explore the rest of the ship, which we managed to do before and after being served lunch in the main dining room. I liked the shrimp, not so much the salmon, and the service was efficient and friendly.
I've posted all of the photos I took while we wandered around the ship on our MY TRAVEL AGENT Facebook page, you can see them all HERE.
It's tough to get a real feel for a ship when you're only onboard for three hours or so, but one of these days I think it would be a great idea to book passage on Queen Victoria for a TransAtlantic cruise .....